On the following pages, you will find the list of articles published in the context of the National Observation Service RENOIR, classified by year since 2012.
Whenever possible, the scientific articles published by RENOIR are referenced on the platform HAL (, always on condition that their on-line availability will not infringe the rights of the respective journal editors.
Acknowledgements to be included in your publications:
In all publications using data produced or financed by RENOIR, we kindly ask you to state the contribution of RENOIR and its constituent observatories or stations in your acknowledgements, as follows:
Article using data obtained by an observation site:
The data used in the study were collected on the site…../by the station….the belonging to the National Observation Service RENOIR (Réseau Français des isotopes dans les précipitations [French Network of Isotopes in Precipitations]; financed by the Institut des Sciences de l’Univers du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (INSU/CNRS), which aims to reinforce knowledge-sharing and to encourage multidisciplinary research on the “Entry” function of hydro-eco-cryo-systems.
Article that benefited not only from the use of data but also from fruitful exchanges and discussion of the data of one or more observation site(s) with the director(s) of the station(s) concerned:
This study benefited from fruitful discussions in the context of the work of the National Observation Service RENOIR (Réseau Français des isotopes dans les précipitations; <a href="</span) financed by the Institut des Sciences de l’Univers du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (INSU/CNRS), which aims to reinforce knowledge-sharing and to encourage multidisciplinary research on the “Entry” function of hydro-eco-cryo-systems. The data used in this study were collected on the site…../by the station…. belonging to the National Observation Service RENOIR.
Recommendations for Open Science:
If your articles have been published in journals that are not freely accessible on the Web, we urge you to publish your author’s version in an open archive like the HAL platform, subject to authorisation by the journal editor, or by following the recommendations of your institutes which may have their own publication storage policy (institutional archives).

Production scientifique des acteurs du SNO
publications de rang A, data papers et DOI, conférence, thèses) en lien avec les thématiques du SNO depuis 2012

Conférences, Communications & rapports
(rang B/C)

(Licences, masters, thèses)

Production scientifique des acteurs du SNO
publications de rang A, data papers et DOI, conférence, thèses) en lien avec les thématiques du SNO depuis 2012

Conférences, Communications & rapports
(rang B/C)

(Licences, masters, thèses)