The climate of the Loiret is characterised by mild, rainy winters and cool, relatively wet summers. It is predominantly influenced by the ocean. The average annual temperature in Orléans is 10.6°C. Rainfall is relatively evenly distributed throughout the year, with the highest levels occurring in May.
The average annual rainfall is 642.5 mm (1981-2010).

One of the longest isotopic precipitation records in France…
The Orléans station has been part of the "GNIP" international network for monitoring the isotopic composition of rainfall (GNIP/M/FR/04) since 1996.
It is also referenced in the BSS under No. 03982X0556/PLUV-1.

Presentation of the Orléans station
The RENOIR station is located on the BRGM site at Orléans la Source, on the edge of the Sologne region, at an altitude of 110 m.
This station, one of the oldest monitoring stations in mainland France, has been active since 1967. Rainwater is sampled for 18O, 2H and 3H analysis at monthly intervals.